Sunday, March 05, 2006

Some Kind of Monster!

I did it. For no particular reason, I went out and bought a GeForce 6800! Believe me, it's a monster. I was really worried about the weight, and whether the mainboard socket or the card itself might get damaged. It's holding up nicely though, and it's got a 3-year warranty, so what the heck! (For the record, my old card was a GeForce 4 Ti 4200 (made by MSI, but their web site is not responding.) It was an awsome card, but to say the truth, it was dead, technologically. So I shed a tear, and pulled it out of my case with a swift move! I haven't had time to run any serious benchmarks on the new cards, only some of my own programs. Expectedly, those using fragment programs heavily run much faster (3 to 4 times.) And finally I get to test my PS 2.0 codes! But strangely, some of the other tests (high tri count; using fixed-function pipeline) did not show much of an improvement. May be the programs are CPU bound? The higher clock rates should have made a difference otherwise, not to mention the higher number of vertex pipes.

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