Thursday, May 24, 2007

Precompiled Boost 1.34 for MSVC 8.0

I've compiled Boost for Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 (MSVC 8.0 32bit) and have put the package here: Several notes:
  • In the same directory, you'll find Boost 1.33.1 packages for VC 7.1 and 8.0 as well. These were not built by me, and I'm merely providing them as a single package for convenience.
  • The packages are 7z files. I suggest you get 7-Zip if you don't have it already, although other programs (like WinRar) can extract 7z too.
  • The ".ymeta" files are part of an experiment of mine. Don't take them seriously. They merely provide unuseful information about their respective files.
  • The Boost 1.34 package will be around 1 GiB (that's 1024 MiB) when unpacked!
  • All the header files and library files and DLL files are in the package. There's no documentation though.
  • All buildable Boost libraries are built. The regex library may not have Unicode support (ICU is really hard to compile on VC 2005) and the Iostreams library may have been built without compression support. The reason that I say "may" is because the bjam command line syntax and switches have changed since the last version and the documentation is sparse.
  • Many Boost libraries are "header-only". They use template wizardry to accomplish tasks and won't need link/run time addition of files.
  • Enjoy, spread the word, and let me know of any errors.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Movie List Update

Here it is, in all it's glory!