Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Movie List Update

My list now officially has more than 600 movies in it! Of course, not all of them are unique and not all of them are worth watching. I guess I have around 550-570 movies with good quality, non-duplicate and worthwhile (depending on who you ask.) One of these days, I'm going to get off my behind and clean my collection out.
Here comes:


Faraz said...

hi man ...finally i find you by the "back doors", i am here,

Faraz said...

you know,i relly miss you...what are u doing now?...your film list is really u finish that f***ing university?...oh man i have lots of untold question...i should see u?..

yzt said...

تو هنوز زنده اي؟ چه خبرا؟ اسپانيا چه کار مي کردي؟ ايميل بزن ببينيمت.

Faraz said...

man emaileto nadaram?...alan kojaee? maile mane "" mobilamam alan tehranam