Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Updated Movie List

There are a lot of new films, not all great or even good, but I have a good-quality version of Notting Hill now, so I'm not complaining!
Also, just recently, I found out that the show/hide feature of my movie list was not working in Internet Exploiter. Versions 6 and below were affected, but I'm not sure about 7. The problem is that IE doesn't understand some pretty mature and standard features of CSS. What can I say? Anyway, I changed the code and placed in a workaround that should work even for the stupid IE.
On a side note, why are people still using IE anyway? It's dead! Even 7 was dead at birth! Install Firefox or Seamonkey or GranParadiso (although not stable enough yet) and also install Opera (which is a great browser, with only a couple of rough edges) for those sites whose idiot owners don't care enough to check their content for validity. And live free!
Somebody stop my ramblings! Here's the list:

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