Thursday, July 05, 2007

Nothing Lasts Forever

I was staring out of a window, above the clouds, without my glasses... everything looked bright white. My whole world was that bright white window. I was wishing that I could stay there, not because it was beautiful and peaceful, but because my mind was blank. I had was thinking about nothing. I don't remember anything about the guy that was sitting next to me. The only thing I was thinking about was... I don't want to write it down. I will remember forever what I was thinking about there and then.
But "Nothing lasts forever, even cold November rain."


Unknown said...

What a nice feeling u have had.
I love this sentence: "Nothing lasts forever". Its really true.

yzt said...

"November Rain" is a song by Guns & Roses (or just Guns.) You have to listen to it, if you haven't already. It's a great song.