Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Change in KOPCS Judgment Model

For those people who might be interested, I'm going to write a fully automatic, no-supervision-required online programming contest judge to integrate with KOPCS. We had the first full-scale KOPCS-based contest today (rather, yesterday) and while the supervised judgment script worked well enough, I realized the inherent limitation of supervised judgment. This kind of judgement is not bad, it's just limited. The first step in AJK (working title) is going to be writing a jail or sandbox or whatever for executing user programs in. Since I know no way for writing it portable, I'm gonna focus on Linux. I'm going to write this sandbox in C++, but I may use Python for the rest, or I may just write everything in C++. After that, I'll just have to figure out a way to implement a simple but flexible queueing scheme, to allow for all the different situations that arise in a programming contest (for example, KOPCS in its current form, does not provide a way for changing only the input or output of a problem after it's set.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep on good work pal. KOPCS is great.