Monday, December 18, 2006

ICPC - Tehran Regionals 2006

(Background: I have been a participant in and/or an interested bystander of almost all programming contests in Iran over the past 5 years. The ICPC Regional is the most important such event in Iran on the course of a year. The latest one (2006) concluded this past Friday.) The problem statements seem quite manageable this year (last year's was good too, only a bit numerous at 10.) I really believe 8 to be the ideal number of problems though (this year had 9,) for three-member teams in a 5-hour contest. Aside from the number, this year's was the first time in the past 6 (7?) years that a team solved all the presented problems during the contest. And unfortunately, it wasn't an Iranian team. (Congratulations to the Singaporean team, by the way!) Anyways, since I was not involved in this year's contest in any way, I feel left out! So I've decided to try and solve as many of the 9 as I can, and I'll post the codes here. I have to do it during my really busy days, and I don't think I can do all in less than a week. In any event, I want to try my hand at them before the judge data come out. I'm trying to measure myself, so I won't read any more of the problems, until I have time to implement each one (I have read the first four, oops!) Actually, two of them are already done. I'll post the codes in individual... posts.

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