Monday, December 11, 2006

Search for Extra-terrestrial Intelligence at Home

Have you ever looked at the stars and felt a fear of what they might hold or what they might not? A chilling fear, being alone for some, or not being alone for others! (This so sounded like something out of a bad TV show!) Of course I'm talking about SETI@home! What else do you think I can be talking about? If you don't know what it is, read the home site, or here. If you know and you're not a participant, go sign up. (This is me.) If you are participating and not part of a team yet (and I know you) consider joining our team, the Deities of Cori Celesti! If you don't know what that is, well, Google and Wikipedia are your friends! And beware of lightning! For those of you who are seriously considering to join: you have to have done greater-than-zero work units to be able to join any team. One more thing. Another worthy project is Rosetta@home. And yes, you can participate in two projects at the same time! And they use the same client! (By the way, I've just discovered that I have a xenophobic streak! Maybe Ender was doing the right thing after all! Go read the books. Their awesome!)

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