Monday, January 22, 2007

The Call of Google

(Consider the title related to H. P. Lovecraft's "The Call of Cthulu") Last night, I logged into with the intention of posting to this blog. After the log in, I was offered the option to link this account to my Google account (Gmail, Orkut, Groups, ...) in order to be able to enjoy a host of new and cool features. And I did. This got me thinking about how Google now has a hand in almost every aspect of my online life (which is a big part of my life proper.) I use gmail and Google groups extensively, and Google search exclusively. Google provides very good services as far as I'm concerned, and they have mostly the right attitude toward it. But I fear the day that we have yet another monopolizing entity to hate: Google. If that day comes, and Google puts the immense power in their data banks to evil use, we'll be willing to kiss Microsoft's feet and praise them for their generosity and benevolence. Mark my words! It seems that it's a week of fear for me. As one of my friends always says:
لعنت به اين زندگي!

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