Wednesday, March 29, 2006

... This Monster Lives!

Remember me talking about my new graphics card? Well, it half died about a week ago. That was very bad, because I hate my hardware dying even if it is something I don't store data on and is still covered by warranty (believe me, I have broken my share of hardware!) That was part of the reason I have not posted anything here for some days. That and the fact that I was really, really distracted and busy. Well, about 10 minutes ago, I swapped out my previous card (GeForce 4 Ti 4200, which I had to fall back to) for the new one (GeForece 6800) after hand deleting all the driver DLLs (which was a stupid move, if it hadn't worked) and voila! I'm typing these while listenning to the absence of the noise a GPU fan! (My monster uses some kind of pipe system with HUGE heat-sinks on both sides, and no fans.) You could almost hear my mad laughter from a Femto-Parsec away!

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